There are eleven Centenarians that reside at the Wayne County Nursing Home. This past February, before our lives were changed, I was so fortunate to take their portraits. I was only able to spend about 5-10 minutes with each of them since they were on their way to a big 100th party in their honor. Their families came and even our local assemblyman came and presented them each with a certificate.

Matie. (Above) You might recognize the cute face in the photo above. It's Matie! I took her photo two years ago when she was 101. Now she's 103 and still as sweet.

Florence. (Above)

Jack. (Above)

Lucille. (Above) Doesn't that name just fit her. Can you tell she loves her jewelry and the color purple? Normally I would take out the chair in post-production and have the plain background. But I felt like it was part of Lucille's fun personality.

Rita. (Above)

Vincent. (Above) Vincent told me that his wife's name was Mary, too. And that she loved flowers. So much so that she had 128 potted flowers, in the house.

Margaret. (Above)

Mabel. (Above)

Anna. (Above)

Joe. (Above)

Grace. (Above)
My Mom is not with us any longer, and I miss her every day. I especially remember that she loved telling stories, she had a million of them (much better memory than mine.) My point: I think that listening is the kindest thing we can do for our special loved ones and for ourselves.
Thank you, Wayne County Nursing Home.
You take loving care of people day in and day out. Not just bringing them meals and tending to their needs. You talk to them and listen. As I write this we are into our 5th week of quarantine. My thoughts and prayers go out to the residents of all the nursing homes everywhere that aren't able to see their friends and families. And many, many thanks to you, the workers that take care of these very special people.
Please don't wait.
Do you have a special Dreamer in your life that you would love to have a beautiful portrait of for yourself or to give to someone? I am always happy to hear from people that want portraits of the dreamers in their lives. I'm flexible with time and am available to come set up wherever you are or you are welcome to come to my beautiful studio. NOTE - You are welcome to call and schedule now for future dates, knowing that we can easily change the date if we need to.
Stay safe. Keep the faith.
Please call/text or email me and we can talk further. P 315.221.9903 E
Thank you for reading my blog. See you soon.